As a long-time divorce attorney and mediator, I can tell you from experience that posting on social media can only hurt your case. In so very many ways, what you put out in the world can be reacted to and twisted in a way that serves neither you nor your family. However, technology itself is not, by definition, bad. In fact, today there are many websites and apps for divorce that can be hugely helpful to get you through your case. Today on the blog, I am going to talk about a few types of divorce-related applications that can be truly game-changing. You can navigate forward in a positive manner, even if your divorce is messy.
It’s not even a year since Better Apart was released, and already, there are many new apps for divorce that have appeared and grown on the market in this short time. I thought it would be helpful to give you a quick review of the types of products that are out there, together with some light recommendations for you to peruse. Even if you are not technologically oriented, take a look and consider whether any of these resources may be interesting or helpful to you in your case and in your life as you navigate forward.
DIY Divorce Platforms
Some states make divorcing on your own incredibly easy. But even if filing the paperwork is reasonably simple, there are likely still questions that you will need to be answered. For those of you residing in California, Erin Levine’s Hello Divorce platform is one not to be missed. It’s intuitive, affordable and will allow you to spend more time with your children – rather than arguing with them. Celebrity Attorney, Laura Wasser’s It’s Over Easy Platform similarly assists the end-user in navigating all the aspects of divorce lawyer-free, or lawyer-light and it is available in all 50 states.
Case Organization
Getting your paperwork and financial statements ready for trial or mediation can feel daunting. Even if you are incredibly organized, the sheer volume of paperwork can overwhelm even the most seasoned professional out there. There are apps for divorce on the market that can help you to organize your case in a secure, confidential manner. For instance, DTour Life can help you and your ex get all of your divorcing needs uploaded into one shared system. In addition to financial documents, DTour Life helps you to organize and arrange all facets of co-parenting and details moving forward. Using an organizational platform can save you both thousands of dollars and senseless arguments.
CoParent Communication and Calendaring
Dispense with all the finger-pointing by utilizing a shared co-parent communication application. In addition to creating a clear paper trail of where there is a communication breakdown, co-parent communication applications allow for the organization of calendars and scheduling. And, in cases where there is stone-walling, or harassment taking place, the way applications such as the FAYR application are configured, the lawyers, mediator and even the judge can potentially gain access to every communication. Even if your case is a simple divorce, you can still use this application to keep your life with your co-parent organized and streamlined.
Co-Parent Payments
Over the years I have been on either side of the table with parties arguing over child support and bills that may or not have been paid between one another. Online Apps such as DComply allow seamless payment and tracking of all payments between parents. It operates similarly to Venmo but it has much greater functionality. It tracks when payments are requested (for instance half the co-pay for a doctor visit, school or camp tuition, etc.) When payments are left unpaid, there is a notification to the parties. This is great for both parents. The person who did not pay may simply need a reminder. The parent who is seeking reimbursement is given the paper trail shall they need to force compliance.
Ring Re-Sale
Until fairly recently when you wanted to sell your engagement ring, you would schlepp to a few diamond stores or dealers, get the best price and sell. Today, Outlets such as Worthy make selling your engagement ring both more competitive and SO much easier. These online outlets have communities of literally hundreds of dealers who are placing competitive bids for your unwanted jewelry. The third party company takes a small cut but typically with the open market you wind up with more in your pocket than you would if you just went to a jeweler or two.
While social media is discouraged through a divorce, these are just a few examples of how technology may actually be helpful in the divorce process. While The New York Post compared Better Apart to Marie Kondo’s Tidying up, I think it’s a bit of a leap to say that divorce Spark’s Joy. However, the progress we are experiencing in just a few short years signals to me that The Positive Divorce Movement is actually taking hold. I hope this is helpful to you.
If you know of any other great apps for divorce, please share them with me. I love to learn as much as possible so I can share it with the divorcing community!
P.S. Want more tools and resources to stay positive during a divorce? Download my Free Divorce Survive & Thrive Kit below!
With support and strength,

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